

luni, 16 ianuarie 2017

I love you!

In the face of the most magical feeling in the world, people react differently. Some are brave. They know themselves enough to admit it the minute that it happens. Some freak out. They feel it in their hearts but the brain can’t process the new feeling. It rejects it. It starts to feel fear instead and it tends to run. Some need just time to cope. Some just jump. Without even thinking twice about it. Some are stupid. Some are smart. Some are brave. Some are afraid. But that’s not what I’m talking about now. It doesn’t matter that. I read the other day that there are a few ways to say I love you without actually saying it. And it got me thinking. There are thousands of ways of saying I love you.

Did you eat? Did you drink enough water? You should listen to this song. Wanna go to a movie? I made reservations for dinner tonight. Are you alright? How was your date? Did you take your meds? Do you need help? Want me to tell you a story? Hold my hand till I fall asleep please? That dress makes you even more beautiful, if that’s even possible. You should shave. Drive safely. Talk to me till it gets better. What can I do to take your mind of it? Your singing is amazing. You playing guitar reminded me of Spain. I can paint these walls for you. Wait for me at the train station? Close  your eyes. Breathe.

Love is in the smallest of things. I saw a great movie a few days ago in which a girl played love. And she said I’m in everyone and everything. I’m in your daughter’s eyes and I am in your grief. I am in the bad and in the good. The world cannot exist without me. And it’s so true. The core of the world is love. Just open your eyes and your ears. Haha. Just pay attention to the little sparks. The inside jokes.

I’ll come to the doctor’s with you. I’ll hug you till all your pieces will fall into place. I will wait for you. I believe in you. You look tired. You are ugly. You’re a cow. Let me help you. I’ll drive you there. You brought me flowers! I knew you love chocolate. I made the bed. I washed the dishes. You inspired me to write. You just made me smile. You should see this movie. Your eyes are pretty. Bitchyness looks great on you. Sarcasm is my second language too. Just stop and look at the stars. I can teach you that. I can explain you that. How are you feeling today? Did I make it better? I am here. I won’t go. Sleep now. You’re such a baby! Those are some perfect teeth. You’re so far away from subtle. You’re my soulmate. I woke up when you fell asleep. I felt you needed to hear this. I felt something’s wrong. Still in pain?

My heart felt something that my brain refused to acknowledge. And I realized too late that I was saying I love you all along. My favorite way of saying it without actually saying it is: when are you gonna cut your hair?!

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