I read a book. And then another one. And another one. And
other one. Aaaand another one. I read tens, maybe hundreds of books. I read
about the rocker who finds the one, even though he is a man whore. I read about
the bad guy turned good, for the right set of eyes. I read about the billionaire
extraordinaire that married the poor girl out of love. I read a lot of
bullshit. They might have been true stories among these. I don’t know. I never
have experienced true love in the past. Thought I did. But that was only
comfort taken at another level.
I am still reading. Book after book after book. I will never
stop. The only thing that changed is the fact that I found bits of truth in
every story. I learned to read between the lines and find the similarities.
Because I always wanted that, you know? I was always hoping for a novel romance
to change my life in the best way possible. I always wanted …
The rocker who will sing only for me no matter how many
girls are screaming after him. And I got it. This guy with a great voice who
sings when he thinks no one is listening. Or in the shower. Or in the car. Or on
the street. Or basically everywhere. And who uses my back as a guitar when he
hugs me. Or the dashboard as drums when he drives. Or everything all the time,
because he basically breathes music.
The charismatic guy who will have eyes only for me. And I
got it. And this guy will make you like him instantly, believe me. He will look
you up and down and you will turn into mush at his feet. If he wants to. Cause he
also has the ability to make you cry only with words. His omnipotent like that.
But he doesn’t care.
The man whore who will be faithful to the right woman. And I
got it. No matter the past, or the girls, or whatever, he is here. For me and
only for me. He proved that day after day after day.
The billionaire who will want to pamper me. Oh well. Don’t
have that. Yet. I still believe there is a lot of potential here. He is
definitely a provider and has entrepreneurial skills. He was meant to do great
things. He has his entire life ahead and he will get to that point.
The guy who will turn his life around for me. And I got
that. I got the trust and the love and the hope that we could build together a
life, when we moved thousands of miles away from the place we grew up in, just
to start something better. Together. Always.
It’s been years since I heard the first I love you and I
still feel like I am hearing it for the first time. The emotion is always there.
My heart grows a bit larger every time I look into his eyes and see that spark.
Every morning I wake up next to his sleeping face. Every time he hugs me, and
cracks the bones in spine with his medical embrace. Every time he does a little
thing, just to see me smile. Every time he encourages me, just because he wants
me to be whoever I want to be. Every time he makes me listen to a new song,
just because he knows I will like it in the end. Every time he calls me stupid,
when I call myself stupid. Every time he
comes home and the first he does is kiss me. He makes me cry everyday thinking
how much I love him. I never believed the feeling could be so damn powerful.
I will always read book after book after book. Maybe when
the time is right, I will put all my thoughts on paper, and I will write my
own. But until then, I will keep reading. From all the books that I ever read,
and trust me … they were a few … you are my favourite. Unexpected beginning,
very humorous content, full of sarcastic comments, funny situations, passionate
fights, similar thinking and hallmark moments, and no end in sight. Definitely,
my favourite book.
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